Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life in Suburbia!

We are so lucky to be staying at the King's house in Cleveland Heights these 2 weeks. We have a rental car and zip around anywhere. My favorite part of the day is grabbing the orange juice and yogurt from the fridge for breakfast. You don't realize how much you miss cold breakfasts until you go without a refrigerator for weeks. 

Our friend, Susie, has requested photos of our favorite grocery store in Cleveland called Zagaras. It's one of my favorite places. I know, weird, but you walk in there and there's a calmness about the place. I'm one of those shoppers who could just go up and down every aisle, especially here. Check out how amazingly clean this place is too.

p.s. I'm sure you never thought I'd be posting photos of a grocery. I'm surprised too. Imagine taking these with the other shoppers wondering what the heck is going on.

We went with Charlie to get him fitted for his tuxedo. He is going to be one of the three cutest ring bearers at our wedding.

We're sure he'll be the most responsible ring bearer.

I mean look at this. The guy said to stand straight like a soldier. I think he's got that down!

1 comment:

  1. He will have to be. Martin thinks it's all about tap dancing! And Matthew doesn't walk yet. Wait until you see his little outfit!
